Od pondělí 9.9. - 13.9. 2024 provoz recepce omezen 10.00 - 17.00 hodin.
Od 1.8.2024 do funkce ředitelky DDM nastoupila paní Bc. Miluše Barvířová.
Během letní práznin recepce uzavřena. V případě potřeby kontaktujte přímo vedoucího oddělení, vedoucího tábora. Od 26. 8. 2024 bude zahájen provoz recepce. Na kroužky se můžete příhlašovat ON-LINE. Stále ještě doplňujeme nabídku!
O velikonočních prázdnnách se kroužky NEKONAJÍ. Otvírací doba recepce 7.30 - 16.00.
Běhen jarních prázdnin máme pro vás připraven bohatý program. Vy se můžete přihlásit i na jednotlivé dny... :-)
O jarních prázdninách 4. - 8. 3. 2024 otvírací doba recepce 8.00 - 16.00
Od března do dubna probíhá rekonstrukce a modernizace cvičné kuchyně. Tímto se omlouváme za improvizované podmínky všem kroužkům a účastníkům za výuku. Děkujeme za pochopení. Vaše Déčko
Vážení rodiče. Od 15. 1. 2024 se znovu otevírá projekt Darujme kroužky dětem na 2. pololetí 2023/2024. Projekt bude mít ty samé parametry, jako v uplynulém pololetí a bude trvat do neděle 21. 4. 2024! Využijte toho a zažádejte si o příspěvek na kroužky a aktivity s tím spojené!
Svou činnost DDM zahajuje od 3.1.2024! Těšíme se na vás v novém roce! :-)
Během vánočních prázdnin od soboty 23. 12. 2023 - 2. 1 . 2024 je recepce Déčka uzavřena. O vánočních prázdninách kroužky neprobíhají.
02.11.2013 Déčko – Dům dětí a mládeže v Rychnově nad Kněžnou is a leisure-time activity center for children, young people and adults. It is financed by the city of Rychnov nad Kneznou. The activities of Decko started in January 2005. Decko organizes leisure-time activities such as weekly courses and clubs with different themes, workshops and events for families both indoors and outdoors, plus summer camps. It cooperates with schools organizing activities for children during school days, and also organizes programmes for a centre for handicapped children, called Orion. Decko works in cooperation with the city hall, the local media, other DDMs and non-governmental organizations within Rychnov and throughout the Kralovehradecky region. The activities of Decko are focused on eight different themes: computers and technology, nature and science, visual arts, music, social communication, sports and tourism, dance and movement and activities for pre-school children and their parents. The goal of all activities is to provide a good way of spending free time and to introduce an alternative way of learning and self-development. About 1000 people participate regularly in Decko activites. Decko also cooperates with a European Union programme called, "Youth in Action". Decko acts as a hosting organisation for foreign volunteers from across Europe. Last year volunteers from Latvia and Finland were hosted and this year Decko is hosting volunteers from Austria and Northern Ireland. In September Decko is set to host a further four volunteers from Denmark, Germany, Italy and Latvia. Within Decko the volunteers assist in activities and different public events. They also participate in English conversation clubs and host their own clubs, "Club Thecko" and "Club EDS". The volunteers also have the opportunity to create their own projects and implement these within Dečko
Working in Déčko
Once accepted onto EVS at Déčko volunteers will be assigned a ‘mini-boss’ from one of the permanent staff members, based on his / her area of interest and expertise. All volunteers have a area located in one of the offices of the building, with a desk and computer where they can prepare upcoming events and activities. They are not solely available to their own ‘mini-boss’ as they will daily be able to liaise with all staff members and provide assistance when and where needed.
There is a set weekly programme of courses that occur in Déčko from October to May. Volunteers will be expected to participate in the courses run by the staff member they are working with but may also assist with others’ courses. As well as the weekly courses Déčko runs several large scale events for the residents of Rychnov nad Kněžnou throughout the year. These are planned some time in advance and require the assistance of all staff, EVS volunteers as well as a team of Déčko volunteers.
Volunteers are housed at the local student accommodation or ‘internát’. Here they have a single private room with space for storage, desk for writing etc. The shower room and kitchen are communal areas as is the living area. The building also has wifi and a washing machine for volunteers.
Free time
In their free time volunteers regularly socialise in the bars where they get to know the locals. Rychnov nad Kněžnou also has an indoor swimming pool as well as an outdoor pool in the summer months. There are lots of nature paths to explore in the area. The town has many supermarkets and also a weekly market on the main square, so there is plenty of choice for grocery shopping.
The town itself is small but it has good public transport access to the surrounding areas. The nearest city Hradec Králové is approximately one hour away and the journey to Prague is two and half hours.
Visiting schools
Volunteers regularly get the opportunity to attend local schools, from kindergarten to high schools, to give a presentation about their home country and themselves.
EVS Náchod – Rychnov
The organisation coordinates with another 32km from Rychnov nad Kněžnou, in the town of Náchod. The organisation is also called Déčko although the two are separate apart from their cooperation with organising and hosting EVS volunteers. The coordinator for this project is Kateřina Hiebschova she is based in Náchod. Volunteers from both organisations will get to know each other at the beginning of their EVS.
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